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book1.Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 for Windows Applications: Introductory (Shelly Cashman Series), 1st Edition
2.Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business (3rd Edition)
3.Systems Analysis and Design (8th Edition)Course Technology
4.HTML5 Guidelines for Web Developers (1st Edition) Addison-Wesley Professional
5.Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations (3rd Edition)Course Technology
6.Fundamentals of Forensic Science (2nd Edition)
7.Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (10th Edition)
8.Human Resource Management (12th Edition)
9.SOA Design Patterns (The Prentice Hall Service-Oriented Computing Series from Thomas Erl)
10.Accounting Principles (9th Edition)
11.Business Data Communications & Networking (10th Edition)
12.Wireless Communications (2nd Edition)
13.Teach Yourself Visually Macs (1st Edition)
14.Electric Circuits (9th Edition)
15.RPG Maker for Teens (1st Edition)
16.Arabic in Three Months: Simplified Language Course (Book+Audio)
17.* XAMPP for Windows
18.UFO - Secrets of the Ancient Aliens - Full movie HIstory Channel.
19.Write Your Way into Animation and Games: Create a Writing Career in Animation and Games
20.PRTG Network Monitor
21.Zend Php5 Video Tutorials
22.Statistics: Principles and Methods
23.Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet (8th Edition)
24.Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
25.Accounting Principles (9th Edition)
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 for Windows Applications: Introductory (Shelly Cashman Series), 1st Edition
Course Technology | ISBN : 0538468459 | July 29, 2010 | 520 pages | PDF | 44MB

Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business (3rd Edition)
Wiley | ISBN : 0470473525 | June 16, 2010 | 580 pages | PDF | 18MB
or http://www.wupload.com/file/46826222/introductiontoinform_3rd_0470473525.rar

Systems Analysis and Design (8th Edition)
Course Technology | ISBN : 0324597665 | March 11, 2009 | 753 pages | PDF | 67MB
or http://www.wupload.com/file/46477945/systemsanalysisanddesign_8th_0324597665.rar

HTML5 Guidelines for Web Developers (1st Edition)
Addison-Wesley Professional | 2011 | ISBN: 0321772741 | 320 pages | PDF | 7MB
or http://www.wupload.com/file/44157206/0321772741HTML5.pdf

Business Data Communications & Networking (10th Edition)
Wiley | ISBN : 0470055758 | January 9, 2009 | 610 pages | PDF | 15MB
or http://www.wupload.com/file/32291871/businessdatacommunic_9781118049747.rar

Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations (3rd Edition)
Course Technology | September 28, 2009 | ISBN : 1435498836 | 715 pages | PDF | 19MB
or http://www.wupload.com/file/33001588/guidetocomputerforen_9781111325084.rar

Fundamentals of Forensic Science (2nd Edition)
Academic Press | ISBN : 0123749891 | February 3, 2010 | 680 pages | PDF | 13MB
or http://www.wupload.com/file/41956796/fundamentalsofforensicscience_2nd.rar

SOA Design Patterns (The Prentice Hall Service-Oriented Computing Series from Thomas Erl)
Prentice Hall PTR | 2009 | ISBN: 0136135161 | 800 pages | PDF | 111MB
DOWNLOAD LINKS http://www.filesonic.com/file/1338495121/0136135161.pdf
or http://www.wupload.com/file/39803621/0136135161.pdf

Zend Php5 Video Tutorials | 169MB .PHP is powerful -- yet more simple than many other server-side scripting languages. It works on almost any platform you can imagine -- including Windows, Linux, Mac, and Unix. And with PHP you'll be creating and editing dynamic web sites quickly.
Zend certifications have become an industry-wide standard and a measure of distinction that employers use to evaluate prospective employees. Stand out from the crowd by getting certified on PHP and Zend Framework.

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* XAMPP for Windows
The distribution for Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, and 7. This version contains: Apache, MySQL, PHP + PEAR, Perl, mod_php, mod_perl, mod_ssl, OpenSSL, phpMyAdmin, Webalizer, Mercury Mail Transport System for Win32 and NetWare Systems v3.32, Ming, FileZilla FTP Server, mcrypt, eAccelerator, SQLite, and WEB-DAV + mod_auth_mysql.

Wireless Communications (2nd Edition)
Wiley | 2011 | ISBN: 0470741872 | 538 pages | PDF | 12MB
or http://www.wupload.com/file/32346755/0470741872Communications.pdf

Teach Yourself Visually Macs (1st Edition)
Visual | ISBN: 0470384689 | 2008 | 352 pages | PDF | 127MB

Write Your Way into Animation and Games: Create a Writing Career in Animation and Games

Electric Circuits (9th Edition) Prentice Hall | ISBN: 0136114997 | edition 2010 | PDF | 816 pages | 37MB
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Accounting Principles (9th Edition) Wiley | ISBN : 047031754X | October 2, 2008 | 1300 pages | PDF | 52MB
or http://www.wupload.com/file/32493982/accountingprinciples_9781118049952.rar

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (10th Edition)
Wiley | November 10, 2009 | ISBN : 0470169680 | 436 pages | PDF | 14MB
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Human Resource Management (12th Edition)
South-Western College Pub | ISBN : 0324542755 | September 11, 2007 | 623 pages | PDF | 16MB
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Statistics: Principles and Methods (6th Edition)
Wiley | ISBN : 0470409274 | December 9, 2009 | 706 pages | PDF | 5MB
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Sociology: A Global Perspective, Enhanced (7th Edition)
Wadsworth Publishing | ISBN : 0840032048 | January 1, 2010 | 590 pages | PDF | 53MB

Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet (8th Edition)
Wiley | ISBN : 0470520337 | December 21, 2010 | 658 pages | PDF | 72MB
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Arabic in Three Months: Simplified Language Course (Book+Audio)
Hugo's Language Bks | 1993 | ISBN: 0852851596 | English/Arabic | PDF+MP3 | 208 pages | 453MB

UFO - Secrets of the Ancient Aliens - Full movie HIstory Channel.

PRTG Network Monitor | Size: 43.92MB

Level 0

আমি Faysal Hasan। বিশ্বের সর্ববৃহৎ বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তির সৌশল নেটওয়ার্ক - টেকটিউনস এ আমি 13 বছর 8 মাস যাবৎ যুক্ত আছি। টেকটিউনস আমি এ পর্যন্ত 5 টি টিউন ও 17 টি টিউমেন্ট করেছি। টেকটিউনসে আমার 0 ফলোয়ার আছে এবং আমি টেকটিউনসে 0 টিউনারকে ফলো করি।

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আরও টিউনস

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    Level 0

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Level 0

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