নতুনদের জন্য সেরা CPA Marketplace প্রচুর ইনকামের সুযোগ

CPA (Cost Per Action) marketing is such a type of affiliate marketing that allows you to sell a product as well as earn small jobs, such as email submissions, zip code submissions, downloads, etc.That is why it is called Cost Per Action which means that you get commission if any action is full.You all know that promoting Amazon or Clickbank products can earn money through revenue shares. But c. P. At the Marketing is much easier than that and works much less.

How CPA marketing works?

There are some well-known CPA networks who control the whole process. The vendors or CPA offer creators submit their particular job or product to CPA networks and those CPA networks promote those offers via CPA marketers like us. They give us a fixed amount of money for every particular offer depending on how much the vendor or CPA offer creator has invested. Your work in very simple; firstly you have to apply to a CPA network and after getting approved, browse the existing offers and select the offer that suits to your interest. After determining the offer just promote it as much as you can to the targeted online visitors.

CPA Affiliate Networks For Beginners

There are currently plenty of CPA marketing sites in online.But you may not be suitable for all CPA site work.So I’ll recommend some sites for beginners.Those who want to do new work can easily succeed in their own career through the following sites.

CPAlead is the world’s LARGEST Incentive CPA Network and inventors of the Content Gateway technology in the CPA space. We have the most traffic means we have the most leverage to get you the best offers at the best payouts. Often imitated, never duplicated.People all over the world choose CPAlead. Our trusted CPA network offers the largest selection of incentive based surveys to leverage your content and make money on the Web.

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Number of Offers : 2000+

Commission Type : CPA, CPL, Content Locking

Minimum Payment : PayPal: $10, Payoneer: $25, Cryptocurrency: $20, Direct Deposit (ACH, USA only): $10

Payment Frequency : Net-30, Net-15, Weekly, Early Payment (upon request)

Payment Method : Check, PayPal, Wire, Payoneer, ACH (Direct Deposit)

Referral Commission : 5%

CPAGrip is a premier incentive affiliate network offering ground breaking technology and industry leading direct and exclusive offers for publishers. If you like money, you’ll like CPAGrip. Period. With 24/7 support, weekly payments and the best industry wide offers, come see what CPAGrip can do for your online business. Content unlocking, file locking and video locking will never be the same.

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Number of Offers : 2500+

Commission Type : CPA, CPL, CPS

Minimum Payment$ : $50

Payment FrequencyNet-30, Net-15, Net-7, Bi-weekly, Weekly

Payment Method : Check, PayPal,  Payoneer

Referral Commission : 5%

Some terms about CPA networks you MUST know

1. Advertiser and Publisher: Advertisers are the people who pay CPA networks to get conversion of their offers. On the other hand, Publishers are the people like you and me who are promoting the offers of CPA network to make money.

2. EPC: Full form of EPC is Earning Per Click. It does not mean that you will get money to bring only clicks to your offers. It means, in average publishers earned the given EPC rate from every click. For example: If a CPA offer of $2.50 got 500 clicks from 20 different publishers and among them 70 clicks converted into leads. So, it’s EPC will be ($2.5*70)/500 = $0.35.

3. Payout/CPA rate: This is the money rate which you will be paid for getting every single lead/action for that particular CPA offer. So, have a look of Payout/CPA rate before selecting your offer.

4. Conversion (in %): This is an important indication about which offer to choose before you start your promotional activities. CPA offers with high conversion rate are always preferable. For example: Think about the previous example where the offer got 500 clicks and 70 leads/actions. Here is the conversion rate of that offer (70/500)*100% = 14%.

5. County code: Almost 95% of CPA offers are county targeted. Therefore, you must be careful about choosing the offer. If you promote US offers to the people of Australia you will not get any payment. Some CPA networks categorized their offers based on county and some mention the county code (US, UK, AU, BR etc) along with the offers.

6. Incentive and non-Incentive: Here is another important and most probably less known term of CPA network. If you search the meaning of “incentive” word, Google will reply with “a payment or concession to stimulate greater output or investment”. In short “incentive” refers to digital bribe in order to get artificial actions/leads from people. In case of incentive offers you can allure people by giving them extra gifts, coupons, money etc in order to get action from them. On the other hand, these digital bribes are strictly prohibited in case of non-incentive offers.

7. Offer type: CPA networks included offers of various types such as Pin submit, Email submit, Downloads, Survey, Installs, Mobile, Purchase etc

How to promote CPA offers?

There are literally 100+ ways to promote CPA offers in order to make profit. I can’t write about all those 100+ promoting ways in this single article. Here I will list some mathods name which can be used to promote CPA offers. In the future I will write detail article on each CPA offer promoting strategies so that you can also start making enough money from CPA marketing. Here goes some CPA offer promoting strategies:

  • Sharing on relevant groups and communities in various social networks like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn etc. (I got my first ever CPA lead via sharing CPA link in Google+ which enhanced my confidence to start new project on it)
  • You can create converting videos and get leads via video marketing on various platforms such as Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo etc.
  • You can write high quality contents and promote you contents via other blogs, Web 2.0 sites and article directories.
  • If you have any blog that matches with any offers of CPA networks then you can use your blog to get conversion/action and make money.
  • You can also build Email list to get high quality leads. In this case I recommend GetResponse because of its high quality service and affordability.
  • You can create totally new site based on any type of CPA offer and rank it to get unlimited CPA leads. This is what I am basically doing for myself.
  • You can buy banner ads and spread you CPA offers without having your own site.
    Running Facebook ad campaigns and PPC campaigns will also end up with big profit from CPA offers.

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Level 2

আমি IT CARE WORLD। বিশ্বের সর্ববৃহৎ বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তির সৌশল নেটওয়ার্ক - টেকটিউনস এ আমি 9 বছর যাবৎ যুক্ত আছি। টেকটিউনস আমি এ পর্যন্ত 16 টি টিউন ও 10 টি টিউমেন্ট করেছি। টেকটিউনসে আমার 0 ফলোয়ার আছে এবং আমি টেকটিউনসে 0 টিউনারকে ফলো করি।

IT CARE WORLD এরপক্ষ থেকে আপনাকে শুভেচ্ছা। অাইটি কেয়ার ওয়াল্ড একটি তথ্য প্রযুক্তি এবং টেকনোলজি সর্ম্পকিত কমিউনিটি ব্লগ সাইট। এই সাইটের মাধ্যমে অাইটি বিষয়ক অাপডেট, অাইটি শিক্ষা, টিপস এন্ড টিক্স, টিউটোরিয়াল, টেকনোলজি ডিভাইস পরিচিতি ও তার ব্যবহার, অাইটি পন্যের বাজার-দর, অাইটি জবস, ফ্রিল্যান্সিং এন্ড অাউডর্সোসিং, জেলা ভিত্তিক অাইটি নিউজসহ বিভিন্ন...


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