কেমন আছেন সবাই। আজ আমি আপনাদের Udemy এর কিছু পেইদ কোর্স ফ্রীতে দিব। যারা ফটোশপ শিখছেন তাদের হয়তো কাজে লাগবে।
Photoshop Beginners Mastery: Zero to Hero in Photoshop
What Will I Learn?
- Customize workspaces and work with panels.
- Create new documents with various settings and modes.
- Navigate and zoom in and out of documents using a variety of methods.
- Switch between screen modes.
- Work with multiple documents and arrange them using various methods.
- Describe various file types and modes.
- Crop and resize images using various settings.
- Use Bridge with Photoshop.
- Rearrange, group, and adjust settings of layers.
- Adjust layer blending modes.
- Create and apply a variety of adjustment layers.
- Create and apply various layer styles.
- Describe the various selection tools and apply them in various ways.
- Use the selection tools in conjunction with each other.
- Add to and subtract from selections.
- Modify and save selections.
- Describe how masking is better than erasing.
- Mask parts of layers using the brush tool.
- Add layer masks using selection tools.
- Apply a clipping mask to text.
- Create an high dynamic range effect using masking in a landscape photo.
- Use layer masking to create selective sharpening in a portrait photo.
Master Advanced High End Beauty Retouching in Photoshop
What Will I Learn?
- To use best possible retouching techiniques
- Do a High End Beauty Retouch
- Work fluently with photoshop and retouching tools
- Use Advanced techniques on every kind of image
Mastering Curves in Photoshop CC
What Will I Learn?
- Work comfortably with Photoshop
- Using Curves adjustment layers
- Edit Images in nondestructive way
- Setting Shadows and Highlights on The Image
- Adjusting Brightness and Contrast of The Image
- Making Specific Tonal Adjustments
- Fixing Tones and Colors of The Image
- Working with Masks in Photoshop
- Making Color Adjustments
- Process Images from Start to Finnish
- Retouch Images from Start to Finnish
এইরকম আরও ফ্রী কোর্স এই পেজে পাবেন।
গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন শেখান অসাধারণ বাং লা টিউটরিয়াল