Dr. Raman Kumar Biswas, Ph.D. (Tohoku University, Japan & Associate Professor and Chairman Dept. of Disaster Resilience and Engineering Faculty of Environmental Science and Disaster Management Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali, Bangladesh-8602. Education Ph. D. (Oct 2016-Nov 2020) Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. Thesis; “Terrestrial Ecosystem Collapse and Soil Erosion before the End-Permian Marine Extinction: Organic Geochemical Evidence from Marine and Non-Marine Records”  Advisor; Prof. Dr. Kunio kaiho  Result; Passed M.S in Earth Science (Oct 2014-Sep 2016) Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.  Thesis; “Land ecosystem collapse followed by marine environmental stress spanning the Permian-Triassic mass extinction”  Advisor; Prof. Dr. Kunio kaiho  Result; First Class M.Sc. in Geology & Mining (2005-2006) Rajshahi University, Bangladesh (Exam held in 2008)  Thesis: “STUDY OF GROUNDWATER QUALITY IN SHAILAKUPA UPAZILA, JHENAIDAH, BANGLADESH”  Advisor: Dr. Khandaker Imamul Haque  Result : First Class B.Sc. in Geology & Mining (2002-2005) Rajshahi University, Bangladesh (Exam held in 2006)  Research : Geological field work on Maheshkhali Island of Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh  Advisor: Dr. Mrinal Kanti Roy  Result : First Class Higher Secondary school Certificate (H.S.C) in Science Jessore Board, Bangladesh, 2000  Result : First Division Secondary school

From Bangladesh, খুলনা, ঝিনাইদহ

3 বছর 10 মাস



12 April, 1982






Asso. Prof., PSTU, Patuakhali

3 March, 2011 to Present


Rajshahi University

1 January, 2002 to 1 January, 2008



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