Excel keyboard shortcuts

সবাই কে সালাম জানিয়ে শুরু করছি আমার প্রথম পোস্ট।

যারা Excel নিয়ে পরে থাকেন মূলত তাদের জন্য। আমী আপনাদের সাথে Excel keyboard shortcuts শেয়ার করবো যা সত্যি আপনার কাজকে করবে আরও  দ্রুত।

এটা আমার প্রথম পোস্ট তাই ভুল কিছু থাকতে পারে, সবাই কে অনুরধ করছি ক্ষমা দৃষ্টিতে দেখতে।

নিচে দেখুন হয়তো কাজে লাগবে.............

Shortcut keyActionMenu equivalent commentsversion
Ctrl+ASelect AllNoneAll
Ctrl+BBoldFormat, Cells, Font, Font Style, BoldAll
Ctrl+CCopyEdit, CopyAll
Ctrl+DFill DownEdit, Fill, DownAll
Ctrl+FFindEdit, FindAll
Ctrl+GGotoEdit, GotoAll
Ctrl+HReplaceEdit, ReplaceAll
Ctrl+IItalicFormat, Cells, Font, Font Style, ItalicAll
Ctrl+KInsert HyperlinkInsert, HyperlinkExcel 97/2000 +
Ctrl+NNew WorkbookFile, NewAll
Ctrl+OOpenFile, OpenAll
Ctrl+PPrintFile, PrintAll
Ctrl+RFill RightEdit, Fill RightAll
Ctrl+SSaveFile, SaveAll
Ctrl+UUnderlineFormat, Cells, Font, Underline, SingleAll
Ctrl+VPasteEdit, PasteAll
Ctrl WCloseFile, CloseExcel 97/2000 +
Ctrl+XCutEdit, CutAll
Ctrl+YRepeatEdit, RepeatAll
Ctrl+ZUndoEdit, UndoAll
F1HelpHelp, Contents and IndexAll
F3Paste NameInsert, Name, PasteAll
F4Repeat last actionEdit, Repeat. Works while not in Edit mode.All
F4While typing a formula, switch between absolute/relative refsNoneAll
F5GotoEdit, GotoAll
F6Next PaneNoneAll
F7Spell checkTools, SpellingAll
F8Extend modeNoneAll
F9Recalculate all workbooksTools, Options, Calculation, Calc NowAll
F10Activate MenubarN/AAll
F11New ChartInsert, ChartAll
F12Save AsFile, Save AsAll
Ctrl+:Insert Current TimeNoneAll
Ctrl+;Insert Current DateNoneAll
Ctrl+"Copy Value from Cell AboveEdit, Paste Special, ValueAll
Ctrl+’Copy Formula from Cell AboveEdit, CopyAll
ShiftHold down shift for additional functions in Excel’s menunoneExcel 97/2000 +
Shift+F1What’s This?Help, What’s This?All
Shift+F2Edit cell commentInsert, Edit CommentsAll
Shift+F3Paste function into formulaInsert, FunctionAll
Shift+F4Find NextEdit, Find, Find NextAll
Shift+F5FindEdit, Find, Find NextAll
Shift+F6Previous PaneNoneAll
Shift+F8Add to selectionNoneAll
Shift+F9Calculate active worksheetTools, Options, Calculation, Calc SheetAll
Ctrl+Alt+F9Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation.NoneExcel 97/2000 +
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9Rechecks dependent formulas and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated.NoneExcel 97/2000 +
Shift+F10Display shortcut menuNoneAll
Shift+F11New worksheetInsert, WorksheetAll
Shift+F12SaveFile, SaveAll
Ctrl+F3Define nameInsert, Names, DefineAll
Ctrl+F4CloseFile, CloseAll
Ctrl+F5XL, Restore window sizeRestoreAll
Ctrl+F6Next workbook windowWindow, ...All
Shift+Ctrl+F6Previous workbook windowWindow, ...All
Ctrl+F7Move windowXL, MoveAll
Ctrl+F8Resize windowXL, SizeAll
Ctrl+F9Minimize workbookXL, MinimizeAll
Ctrl+F10Maximize or restore windowXL, MaximizeAll
Ctrl+F11Inset 4.0 Macro sheetNone in Excel 97. In versions prior to 97 - Insert, Macro, 4.0 MacroAll
Ctrl+F12File OpenFile, OpenAll
Alt+F1Insert ChartInsert, Chart...All
Alt+F2Save AsFile, Save AsAll
Alt+F4ExitFile, ExitAll
Alt+F8Macro dialog boxTools, Macro, Macros in Excel 97 Tools,Macros - in earlier versionsExcel 97/2000 +
Alt+F11Visual Basic EditorTools, Macro, Visual Basic EditorExcel 97/2000 +
Ctrl+Shift+F3Create name by using names of row and column labelsInsert, Name, CreateAll
Ctrl+Shift+F6Previous WindowWindow, ...All
Ctrl+Shift+F12PrintFile, PrintAll
Alt+Shift+F1New worksheetInsert, WorksheetAll
Alt+Shift+F2SaveFile, SaveAll
Alt+=AutoSumNo direct equivalentAll
Ctrl+`Toggle Value/Formula displayTools, Options, View, FormulasAll
Ctrl+Shift+AInsert argument names into formulaNo direct equivalentAll
Alt+Down arrowDisplay AutoComplete listNoneExcel 95
Alt+’Format Style dialog boxFormat, StyleAll
Ctrl+Shift+~General formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category, GeneralAll
Ctrl+Shift+!Comma formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category, NumberAll
Ctrl+Shift+@Time formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category, TimeAll
Ctrl+Shift+#Date formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category, DateAll
Ctrl+Shift+$Currency formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category, CurrencyAll
Ctrl+Shift+%Percent formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category, PercentageAll
Ctrl+Shift+^Exponential formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category,All
Ctrl+Shift+&Place outline border around selected cellsFormat, Cells, BorderAll
Ctrl+Shift+_Remove outline borderFormat, Cells, BorderAll
Ctrl+Shift+*Select the current region around the active cell. In a PivotTable report, select the entire PivotTable report.Edit, Goto, Special, Current RegionAll
Ctrl++InsertInsert, (Rows, Columns, or Cells) Depends on selectionAll
Ctrl+-DeleteDelete, (Rows, Columns, or Cells) Depends on selectionAll
Ctrl+1Format cells dialog boxFormat, CellsAll
Ctrl+2BoldFormat, Cells, Font, Font Style, BoldAll
Ctrl+3ItalicFormat, Cells, Font, Font Style, ItalicAll
Ctrl+4UnderlineFormat, Cells, Font, Font Style, UnderlineAll
Ctrl+5StrikethroughFormat, Cells, Font, Effects, StrikethroughAll
Ctrl+6Show/Hide objectsTools, Options, View, Objects, Show All/HideAll
Ctrl+7Show/Hide Standard toolbarView, Toolbars, StardardAll
Ctrl+8Toggle Outline symbolsNoneAll
Ctrl+9Hide rowsFormat, Row, HideAll
Ctrl+0Hide columnsFormat, Column, HideAll
Ctrl+Shift+(Unhide rowsFormat, Row, UnhideAll
Ctrl+Shift+)Unhide columnsFormat, Column, UnhideAll
Alt or F10Activate the menuNoneAll
Ctrl+TabIn toolbar: next toolbar
In a workbook: activate next workbook
NoneExcel 97/2000 +
Shift+Ctrl+TabIn toolbar: previous toolbar
In a workbook: activate previous workbook
NoneExcel 97/2000 +
TabNext toolNoneExcel 97/2000 +
Shift+TabPrevious toolNoneExcel 97/2000 +
EnterDo the commandNoneExcel 97/2000 +
Alt+EnterStart a new line in the same cell.NoneExcel 97/2000 +
Ctrl+EnterFill the selected cell range with the current entry.NoneExcel 97/2000 +
Shift+Ctrl+FFont Drop Down ListFormat, Cells, FontAll
Shift+Ctrl+F+FFont tab of Format Cell Dialog boxFormat, Cells, FontBefore 97/2000
Shift+Ctrl+PPoint size Drop Down ListFormat, Cells, FontAll
Ctrl+SpacebarSelect the entire columnNoneExcel 97/2000 +
Shift+SpacebarSelect the entire rowNoneExcel 97/2000 +
CTRL+/Select the array containing the active cell.
CTRL+SHIFT+OSelect all cells that contain comments.
CTRL+\In a selected row, select the cells that don’t match the formula or static value in the active cell.
CTRL+SHIFT+|In a selected column, select the cells that don’t match the formula or static value in the active cell.
CTRL+[Select all cells directly referenced by formulas in the selection.
CTRL+SHIFT+{Select all cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the selection.
CTRL+]Select cells that contain formulas that directly reference the active cell.
CTRL+SHIFT+}Select cells that contain formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell.
ALT+;Select the visible cells in the current selection.
SHIFT+BACKSPACEWith multiple cells selected, select only the active cell.
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBARSelects the entire worksheet. If the worksheet contains data, CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR selects the current region. Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR a second time selects the entire worksheet. When an object is selected, CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR selects all objects on a worksheet
Shortcut keyActionMenu equivalent commentsversion
Ctrl+ASelect AllNoneAll
Ctrl+BBoldFormat, Cells, Font, Font Style, BoldAll
Ctrl+CCopyEdit, CopyAll
Ctrl+DFill DownEdit, Fill, DownAll
Ctrl+FFindEdit, FindAll
Ctrl+GGotoEdit, GotoAll
Ctrl+HReplaceEdit, ReplaceAll
Ctrl+IItalicFormat, Cells, Font, Font Style, ItalicAll
Ctrl+KInsert HyperlinkInsert, HyperlinkExcel 97/2000 +
Ctrl+NNew WorkbookFile, NewAll
Ctrl+OOpenFile, OpenAll
Ctrl+PPrintFile, PrintAll
Ctrl+RFill RightEdit, Fill RightAll
Ctrl+SSaveFile, SaveAll
Ctrl+UUnderlineFormat, Cells, Font, Underline, SingleAll
Ctrl+VPasteEdit, PasteAll
Ctrl WCloseFile, CloseExcel 97/2000 +
Ctrl+XCutEdit, CutAll
Ctrl+YRepeatEdit, RepeatAll
Ctrl+ZUndoEdit, UndoAll
F1HelpHelp, Contents and IndexAll
F3Paste NameInsert, Name, PasteAll
F4Repeat last actionEdit, Repeat. Works while not in Edit mode.All
F4While typing a formula, switch between absolute/relative refsNoneAll
F5GotoEdit, GotoAll
F6Next PaneNoneAll
F7Spell checkTools, SpellingAll
F8Extend modeNoneAll
F9Recalculate all workbooksTools, Options, Calculation, Calc NowAll
F10Activate MenubarN/AAll
F11New ChartInsert, ChartAll
F12Save AsFile, Save AsAll
Ctrl+:Insert Current TimeNoneAll
Ctrl+;Insert Current DateNoneAll
Ctrl+"Copy Value from Cell AboveEdit, Paste Special, ValueAll
Ctrl+'Copy Formula from Cell AboveEdit, CopyAll
ShiftHold down shift for additional functions in Excel's menunoneExcel 97/2000 +
Shift+F1What's This?Help, What's This?All
Shift+F2Edit cell commentInsert, Edit CommentsAll
Shift+F3Paste function into formulaInsert, FunctionAll
Shift+F4Find NextEdit, Find, Find NextAll
Shift+F5FindEdit, Find, Find NextAll
Shift+F6Previous PaneNoneAll
Shift+F8Add to selectionNoneAll
Shift+F9Calculate active worksheetTools, Options, Calculation, Calc SheetAll
Ctrl+Alt+F9Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation.NoneExcel 97/2000 +
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9Rechecks dependent formulas and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated.NoneExcel 97/2000 +
Shift+F10Display shortcut menuNoneAll
Shift+F11New worksheetInsert, WorksheetAll
Shift+F12SaveFile, SaveAll
Ctrl+F3Define nameInsert, Names, DefineAll
Ctrl+F4CloseFile, CloseAll
Ctrl+F5XL, Restore window sizeRestoreAll
Ctrl+F6Next workbook windowWindow, ...All
Shift+Ctrl+F6Previous workbook windowWindow, ...All
Ctrl+F7Move windowXL, MoveAll
Ctrl+F8Resize windowXL, SizeAll
Ctrl+F9Minimize workbookXL, MinimizeAll
Ctrl+F10Maximize or restore windowXL, MaximizeAll
Ctrl+F11Inset 4.0 Macro sheetNone in Excel 97. In versions prior to 97 - Insert, Macro, 4.0 MacroAll
Ctrl+F12File OpenFile, OpenAll
Alt+F1Insert ChartInsert, Chart...All
Alt+F2Save AsFile, Save AsAll
Alt+F4ExitFile, ExitAll
Alt+F8Macro dialog boxTools, Macro, Macros in Excel 97 Tools,Macros - in earlier versionsExcel 97/2000 +
Alt+F11Visual Basic EditorTools, Macro, Visual Basic EditorExcel 97/2000 +
Ctrl+Shift+F3Create name by using names of row and column labelsInsert, Name, CreateAll
Ctrl+Shift+F6Previous WindowWindow, ...All
Ctrl+Shift+F12PrintFile, PrintAll
Alt+Shift+F1New worksheetInsert, WorksheetAll
Alt+Shift+F2SaveFile, SaveAll
Alt+=AutoSumNo direct equivalentAll
Ctrl+`Toggle Value/Formula displayTools, Options, View, FormulasAll
Ctrl+Shift+AInsert argument names into formulaNo direct equivalentAll
Alt+Down arrowDisplay AutoComplete listNoneExcel 95
Alt+'Format Style dialog boxFormat, StyleAll
Ctrl+Shift+~General formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category, GeneralAll
Ctrl+Shift+!Comma formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category, NumberAll
Ctrl+Shift+@Time formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category, TimeAll
Ctrl+Shift+#Date formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category, DateAll
Ctrl+Shift+$Currency formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category, CurrencyAll
Ctrl+Shift+%Percent formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category, PercentageAll
Ctrl+Shift+^Exponential formatFormat, Cells, Number, Category,All
Ctrl+Shift+&Place outline border around selected cellsFormat, Cells, BorderAll
Ctrl+Shift+_Remove outline borderFormat, Cells, BorderAll
Ctrl+Shift+*Select current regionEdit, Goto, Special, Current RegionAll
Ctrl++InsertInsert, (Rows, Columns, or Cells) Depends on selectionAll
Ctrl+-DeleteDelete, (Rows, Columns, or Cells) Depends on selectionAll
Ctrl+1Format cells dialog boxFormat, CellsAll
Ctrl+2BoldFormat, Cells, Font, Font Style, BoldAll
Ctrl+3ItalicFormat, Cells, Font, Font Style, ItalicAll
Ctrl+4UnderlineFormat, Cells, Font, Font Style, UnderlineAll
Ctrl+5StrikethroughFormat, Cells, Font, Effects, StrikethroughAll
Ctrl+6Show/Hide objectsTools, Options, View, Objects, Show All/HideAll
Ctrl+7Show/Hide Standard toolbarView, Toolbars, StardardAll
Ctrl+8Toggle Outline symbolsNoneAll
Ctrl+9Hide rowsFormat, Row, HideAll
Ctrl+0Hide columnsFormat, Column, HideAll
Ctrl+Shift+(Unhide rowsFormat, Row, UnhideAll
Ctrl+Shift+)Unhide columnsFormat, Column, UnhideAll
Alt or F10Activate the menuNoneAll
Ctrl+TabIn toolbar: next toolbarNoneExcel 97/2000 +
Shift+Ctrl+TabIn toolbar: previous toolbarNoneExcel 97/2000 +
Ctrl+TabIn a workbook: activate next workbookNoneExcel 97/2000 +
Shift+Ctrl+TabIn a workbook: activate previous workbookNoneExcel 97/2000 +
TabNext toolNoneExcel 97/2000 +
Shift+TabPrevious toolNoneExcel 97/2000 +
EnterDo the commandNoneExcel 97/2000 +
Alt+EnterStart a new line in the same cell.NoneExcel 97/2000 +
Ctrl+EnterFill the selected cell range with the current entry.NoneExcel 97/2000 +
Shift+Ctrl+FFont Drop Down ListFormat, Cells, FontAll
Shift+Ctrl+F+FFont tab of Format Cell Dialog boxFormat, Cells, FontBefore 97/2000
Shift+Ctrl+PPoint size Drop Down ListFormat, Cells, FontAll


শর্টকাট গুলো PDF এ  upload করা আছে, এখান থেকে download করুন.........


আর একটা কথা, আমি জানিনা এর আগে এটা নিয়ে কোন পোস্ট হয়েছে কিনা , হয়ে থাকলে  ADMIN PLEASE REMOVE  MY POST FROM YOUR BLOG.

সবাই ভালো থাকবেন

আল্লাহ্‌ হাফেজ।

Level 2

আমি sadekul1985। বিশ্বের সর্ববৃহৎ বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তির সৌশল নেটওয়ার্ক - টেকটিউনস এ আমি 13 বছর 1 মাস যাবৎ যুক্ত আছি। টেকটিউনস আমি এ পর্যন্ত 3 টি টিউন ও 25 টি টিউমেন্ট করেছি। টেকটিউনসে আমার 0 ফলোয়ার আছে এবং আমি টেকটিউনসে 0 টিউনারকে ফলো করি।

I am Nothing. Nothing Matters. Nothing, is everything.........


আরও টিউনস

টিউনারের আরও টিউনস


Many Many Thanks.
Anek din dhire khujchhilam.

apnake welcome !!

অনেক ধন্যবাদ

welcome khalid vai.

Good post….

thx brother!


welcome 🙂

ধন্যবাদ শেয়ার করার জন্য,অনেক কিছু শিখা যাবে।

আপনাকেও ধন্যবাদ আতাউর ভাই,

ভাই অনেক সুন্দর হয়েছে। বুঝাই যাচ্ছে অনেক সময় নিয়া এবং অনেক কষ্ট করে টিউনটি করেছে। http://allittips.com/ms-office/63-ms-excel-shortcut-keys আরো কিছু Excel কিবোর্ড শর্টকাট আছে যা কিনা কাজের প্রায়োরিটি অনুযায়ী সাজানো হয়েছে, আশা করি ভাল লাগবে।

@ khokon, thanks bro.. onek valo laglo, jekhan thekei poruk na keno karo upokar holei valo.

Level 0

vai akta pdf & word file uololad korlee valo hotoo?

Sujon vai, aktu clear korun, Excel shortcuts guloke PDF ba Word file a upload korte bollen naki Word ba PDF er shortcuts jante chailen??
jaihok ami apnader subidarthe Excel shortcuts guloke PDF akare upload kore dissi, hoyto kaje lagbe, thanks.

জটিল হইছে ভাই । আরও টিউন আশা করি আপনার থেকে

মাহমুদ শরফুদ্দিন vai, jotil hoise kotin hoinito?? 😉 ,, InsoAllah apnader sara pele aro tune korar ichcha ase..

ভাই অনেক সুন্দর হয়েছে। বুঝাই যাচ্ছে অনেক সময় নিয়া এবং অনেক কষ্ট করে টিউনটি করেছ, ধন্যবাদ শেয়ার করার জন্য,অনেক কিছু শিখা যাবে।

dhonnobad vai apnake…


hmm welcome , apnader kaje laglei amar valo lagbe….

Level 0

দরুন ….

darun??? tnx!!

Level 0

awaresome ekta post… eta amar life ta k onek easy kora dilo.. amar office hr er 20 % time save kora dilo.. tnx bro

Level 0

I need more excel tutorial / shortcut tips/ tips & trics etc.