Genuine Technology & Research Ltd. (GTR) is the pioneer software development and automation technology company that specialize in providing services to achieve business’s essential technologies, in business development consultancy, industrial system, and IT solution. It was founded in year 2005. It develops compliance software systems for growing markets. For over the years, It has delivered a broad array of surveillance security (CCTV) , Access Control, Attendance & Payroll system, Apparels CAD/CAM solutions for business Clients. We are dedicated to our customers in serving the desired needs of total solution with an ever expanding combination of products and services for re-sellers and end users. It has a proven track record of delivering sophisticated technology solutions on time, with smart competent development teams. It has developed solutions in most broad-based markets for manufacturing, business services and distribution. It was one of the first businesses to recognize the unique needs of apparel industry and equip them with powerful, accessible and affordable software solutions. GT software solutions were aimed at alleviating an ever increasing production burden and giving business owners the necessary flexibility to run their factories more successfully.

From Bangladesh, চট্টগ্রাম, চট্টগ্রাম

11 মাস 1 সপ্তাহ








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