২০১৯ শালে কিভাবে বেকলিঙ্ক তৈরি করতে হবে?

টিউন বিভাগ এসইও

What is Backlink:

Backlinks are when another (big or small) site links to your website from their article or site. You got a backlink to give you a link to the site, If you get too many backlinks, you can the higher rank number one in Google Shortly called him a backlink.


Example of Backlink:

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A blogger “name olid” writes a very interesting article about a technology event. Another blogger “Ab” doesn’t agree with “olids” article and writes about it in another article for a ” mobile tips and tricks”. he links to the olids article so that her visitors can understand both points of views. “olids” blog or website gets a valuable backlink. On the other site, “AB’s” article gets popular & many other websites link to her article. “Ab’s” website gets many latest backlinks. Even though “olid” only got one or tow backlink for her article, the value of his backlink is increased by the backlinks “Ab’s” article generated.

WWW=”World Wide Web”, or “the web” for small, is a network of website pages connected to each other via hyperlinks or images. Each hyperlink or images connecting to a new document adds to the overall growth of the web. google or other Search engines make it easier for you to search these website pages. A website page linked by many other different website pages on a similar niche is considered more respectful & valuable. In the above example, “Olid’s” article gets respect for sparking a conversation that resulted in many other website pages linking to each other. So backlinks are not only important for a website or web post to gain respect, but they are also important for Google or other search engines & the overall health of the entire www or “world wide web”.

Backlinks can be taken in many ways, Backlinks can be taken badly or naturally

what is bad backlink:

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what is bad backlink:


In 2019 and 2013, comment Backlink Which does not work now Because Google has been a lot clever with time now, Many people come to the web site and leave Insert her website links to comments, The fact is that these links are No-Follow, and And those links are captured by the spam, Now maybe you want to know What is No-Follow And What Is Do-Follow and What is Spam


What Is Do-Follow Backlink:

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What Is Do-Follow Backlink

Do-Follow Backlink is a simple link. Through which the link will refer directly to your blog site or your website and blog or post will support this link well. Dofollow Backlink is the most powerful link quality very good. Depending on what type of blog or website you are receiving Duflow Backlink, you will get a rank.
It’s important to keep in mind how powerful a link you want to get from other sites, and you have to work accordingly.

Example of Do-Follow link: <a href=”http://www.techadvancefree.com”>anchor text</a>


What is No-Follow Backlink:

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 What is No-Follow Backlink

No-Follow Backlink is a link that allows the website to crawl or index its published backlink to Google or other search engines. This means that you will not get any help through such links. However, you can get some visitors to your site. the world’s most popular sites use No-Follow link, such as Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, etc. There is a (rel = “nofollow”) source code associated with No-Follow link that binds search engines to crawl and thus will not get any kind of profit on your web site or blog site.

Example of No-Follow link: <a href=”http://www.techadvancefree.com” rel=”nofollow”>Anchor text here</a>

Dofollow Backlinks List That Will Free Boost Your Traffic In 2019

Dofollow Backlinks List That Will Free Boost Your Traffic In 2019

High PR Educational and government Dofollow backlinks sites list 2019

High Domain Authority blog commenting sites 2019


conclusion: Hope you know what is Backlink And how to look at Backlink, If you like the article, please comment below

Level 4

আমি অলিদুর রহমান। বিশ্বের সর্ববৃহৎ বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তির সৌশল নেটওয়ার্ক - টেকটিউনস এ আমি 5 বছর 11 মাস যাবৎ যুক্ত আছি। টেকটিউনস আমি এ পর্যন্ত 42 টি টিউন ও 5 টি টিউমেন্ট করেছি। টেকটিউনসে আমার 1 ফলোয়ার আছে এবং আমি টেকটিউনসে 3 টিউনারকে ফলো করি।

My name is Olidur Rahman, I love technology, Stay tuned with us to know more about Mobile and Computer, tips and tricks should you know because This is technology time and this is my website: https://www.techadvancefree.com/ https://www.techyeyes.com/


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