Video SEO Marketing is the most important trends for search engines. Video Data have been shown in search result in the form of rich snippets. Research shows google like better videos to others search result.Applying the suggested markup makes it easier for search engine discover and index your content.
Why video marketing is most important in 2016-2017?
Are you surprise to see this report. That's why I thing Video marketing is most essential.
More than 35 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube per minute. That means 2100 hours of video is uploaded per hour, or 50000 hours of content is uploaded to Youtube per day.
Now create a video at least 5 minutes long. longer videos Rank better. I every time see longer videos performing shorter videos in YouTube and Google. If you search in Youtube for the keyword "wordpress" 3 out of the 4 videos are an hour long. So make a video at least 5 minutes.
For Youtube Video SEO you should know a lot of information to process. So let's go know about these process for video marketing.
Before upload you change video file name. Click mouse right button on video then go rename and you can change here. Example:
Before upload video in Youtube; you can change Video name, Video title, subtitle, video rating and comments.
Firstly you click mouse right button on video and go to details tab. In here you can change above jobs.
At first Keyword research is most important for video marketing. Keyword is the soul of video marketing.
When users typing word into youtube search box, they can see so many video in sidebar. Include your phrases or words, what are people type in if they wanted to find out your video. Keywords helps to find out desire video. You can use Google keyword tool and YouTube keyword tool for keyword research.
Better keyword optimized video boost traffics from youtube and 1st rank on google search engine in video tabs. A good video will be promote your products or services.
Video Title should at least 60 characters. Add your full keyword without keyword-stuffing. Example My wordpress SEO video title is Best plugin SEO On page tips
The Title of your video, which you can place on the video's page in your account.
Write keyword-based video description lengthy
Video Description is most important. Because Google and YouTube can not listen your video. they reply on your text description to find out your video's content. Description should be brief the video's content. Description for every video, which you can do from the video's page in your account. Here basic guideline for video description.
Notice that the words "WordPress plugin SEO on-page " are bold in the description area of the video. Add keyword but don't keyword stuffing. Google like keyword based content into your video.
This optimized description helps tell Google and Youtube what your video is about (without spammy).
Example here:
Write 100-200 words 1st lines in the Video Description and include your social media related links. Which will simply bring your word count up to 300 and show Google that you just have a brawny product. Descriptions ought to be optimized for search therefore make certain to put your main keywords in the description box at 1-2% diffusion. You'll use related keywords in the description to try and rank for more terms.
Tags are not important for video seo. But can it helps. Add some keywords to help youtube and Google learn what your video is about.
Targeted tags not only help rank for your target keyword. But it helps to get you related video in the sidebar area in Youtube. When someone's watch video they can see similar video in sidebar using for tags.
Getting More Traffics for YouTube video; you can share your video in social media like facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn as well as other relevant services. Online communities as like as facebook, Google+, Quora and LinkedIn Groups are unbelievable share to channel traffic from. This techniques is most communities don't receive too kindly to someone including links to their content all over the place. Just see a question int the communities that your video could help answer. Then give some suggest or answer that people watch your video if they want more information. You can also share video url or embedded code in Web 2.0 and Popular relevant blog site. I want to say you more share and share your video.
Social Media Icon includes an embed button, which allows viewers to embed your video in other site.
I suggest you link building a few amount of high quality links a long time. Search engines indexing and crawling these links. Some link building site here:
When you building links at YouTube videos you must be careful. YouTube works as like as search engine. It can understand spam and duplicate. Even your video may be banned applying unethical process.
Always Add link into your video description in the first two lines. The Description Box ought to be an index to relevant content-not a deposit for per web link whenever you've ever had an affiliate account. Be even handed in what number links you post.
Where you place these links might different supported your preference or personal testing however your description box must always add links to connect with you on related social networking sites. You need to use a full url so as for the link to be click able(in alternative words, use http://). See the below:
I've seen nice description box form YouTube that include My site link which mentioned my service in the video. You also add others site links which are related with your video. It's a very approach that's in step with the channel and useful to the viewer.
Create your video playlist placement with keyword. for getting more YouTube search Traffics. A keyword well to do playlist gives YouTube deeper information about your video's matter. And like we saw with your description, more text-based content more views. See the example
When you have 10 videos in your YouTube channel, manage them into tightly themed playlists.
Now your Profile set up you can make upload defaults for each new video. with an upload default, the optimization area in the upload section will auto-fill with per-written content. It makes optimization a breeze! Allow to input a template description box title and tags.
আমি মানাফ রনক। বিশ্বের সর্ববৃহৎ বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তির সৌশল নেটওয়ার্ক - টেকটিউনস এ আমি 9 বছর 8 মাস যাবৎ যুক্ত আছি। টেকটিউনস আমি এ পর্যন্ত 3 টি টিউন ও 1 টি টিউমেন্ট করেছি। টেকটিউনসে আমার 0 ফলোয়ার আছে এবং আমি টেকটিউনসে 0 টিউনারকে ফলো করি।