#MITOSHI I urge all bounty hunters to perform this bounty! Indeed, you have the chance to get tokens of an ambitious, innovative project that may become one of the most beautiful nuggets of 2019! This project is really very interesting from the point of view of the anonymity of security and the various collaborations already signed. Join me in this beautiful adventure!

MITOSHI is decentralizing authorization, authentication and certification. MITOSHI helps secure instances and functions that are not safe. Using the platform, it will prevent fraud, user authentication benefits, cyber attacks, identity theft, data retention, document fraud, IoT security, copyright infringement, reputation administration, and also provide traceability to supply and ownership chains.

Join the project and discover new opportunities. Idea, technology and a strong team are all that is needed for a successful project. Study it in detail and see for yourself.

MITOSHI aims to be at the forefront of blocked authorization platforms. For this purpose, MITOSHI proposes this initial coin offer (Crowdsale). Participants send funds to the Ethereal Smart Contract. Smart Contract Mints private tokens and sends users' online accounts. This is available for withdrawal when closing the crowd. After completion (maximum duration or maximum tokens issued) Ethereum funds are then transferred to Coinbase's multi-sinsoin escin wallet.

Platform MITOSHI Architecture

Modern technologies allow us to achieve high results. Let's make the world more modern and technological together! They always take into account the needs of partners and are ready to work on new projects to expand business opportunities.Because this platform will be used for decentralized authorization, authentication and certification, the entire platform component is based on the characteristics of blockchain technology. According to the whitepaper, this platform will also use artificial intelligence algorithms and substitutions to show maximum security authorization and traceability. MITOSHI solves this problem by decentralizing authorization, authentication, verification and certification, this autoreon also has three main components in the  design platform as follows: http://www.mitoshi.io


Mitoshi is the next generation of online gaming and cryptolotteries powered by the blockchain. Our vision is to bring forth a completely fair, secure and transparent cryptolottery experience that is readily accessible to the global market. Envisioned as a truly international cryptolottery play – it will offer draws that cover the geographies of Asia, North America and Europe. Mitoshi crypolotto tokens can be purchased using fiat and crypto currencies.

A Lottery Built on Smart Contracts

Mitoshi will utilize the blockchain platform and with Ethereum smart contracts for collecting, distributing funds as well as in paying lottery sales commissions through our referral program. With smart contracts, neither winning numbers nor lottery tickets could be counterfeited. Mitoshi Cryptolotto will have a decentralized community owned by the internet community – thanks to the power of the blockchain. We are taking Mitoshi to the forefront of lottery by leveraging on the power of smart contracts on a Blockchain platform. By making use of Smart Contracts, we will build the future of online lottery that is globally accessible in a fair, transparent and secure environment. So you can have the confidence to bet on a winnable draw without compromise.


Basically, synaps are protocols built on blockchain, independent application layers. Smart Contract is a decentralized event that functions on defined rules made with scripting languages, which can be integrated into protocols or dynamically created. They facilitate, verify, or enforce negotiations or the performance of a contract, or make contract clauses unnecessary.

Synapse will allow intelligent authorization contracts, while layers will be responsible for storing data and verifying identity safely and effectively. Synapse will also produce temporary channels, only for authorized cases. As written in the whitepaper, Synapse will have the use of keeping blockchain light and fast by replacing stored data.

Access Key:

Blockchain technology presents several advantages to the lottery industry, making its integration not only immensely beneficial but poses it as a crucial step to further expand the industry. Integrating blockchain technology decentralizes the chances, making the lottery more transparent and more accessible. By making use of Ethereum contracts, Mitoshi will build a lottery that is fair, transparent and secure – and globally accessible to those with an internet and a smartphone.

Furthermore, decentralized technology is a way to work around regulatory policies that inhibit the growth of the lotto industry while making its market much more expandable and involved. Mitoshi CryptoLotto will then be accessible anytime, anywhere with the ease of transaction provided through cryptocurrency via blockchain technology.

The aim is to process all invitations to the Synapse layer, indicating access, only if the invitation instance is only authorized. The stack key is developed by a 2²-key algorithm to create one static key with a dynamic key (as a temporary array). If we are familiar with two-factor authentication, the Access key might have the potential to replace it, and also allows it to be applied to a large number of applications. To find out the channel provided by Access lock, the channel will be given only if the other key is valid by authorization, and vice versa. So, the channel will only be given to two dynamic buttons.

MITOSHI will also offer incentives to participate in channel lock layers by enabling 'printing' coins (vs. 'mining' on the blockchain).

This ensures as much network participation as possible and thus the most influential network security is possible.




Mitoshi CryptoLotto Tokens are now trading on exmarkets.



💥 Spreading the joy of winning, one jackpot prize at a time!

Be involved in the BlockChain Revolution!

We are taking MITOSHI to the forefront of lottery by leveraging on the power of smart contracts on a blockchain platform. By making use of smart contracts, we will build the future of online lottery that is globally accessible in a fair, transparent and secure environment. So you can have the confidence to bet on winnable draw without compromise.

When you play MITOSHI, you are already a winner.



💰 MITOSHI Token Sale Metrics:

MITOSHI tokens are utility (user) tokens and the sales of its tokens are for the future participation of MITOSHI’s lottery draws in a smart contract platform.

Token symbol: MTSH
Total amount of tokens: 100, 000, 000
Total amount to be sold: 68, 000, 000
Soft cap: US$2, 000, 000.00
Hard cap: US$10, 000, 000.00
Accepted crypto & fiat currencies: ETH, BTC, USD


📩 Marketing:

For marketing proposal (not token sale) offers please contact us at [email protected]


📌Useful links:

✅ Website: http://www.mitoshi.io/

Gram Telegram Ann Channel: https://t.me/Mitoshi_Channel

Gram Telegram: https://t.me/Mitoshi_Crypto

Telegram Bounty: https://t.me/Mitoshi_Bounty

Gram Telegram Chinese: https://t.me/MitoshiCrypto_CN

✅ Twitter: http://mobile.twitter.com/mitoshicrypto

✅ Facebook: http://m.facebook.com/MitoshiCryptoLotto/

✅ Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/mitoshi/

Dit Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/user/mitoshicrypto

✅ Bitcointalk: http://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5045268.new#new

✅ Bounty Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5150894.msg51353638

✅ Medium: http://medium.com/@mitoshicrypto

✅ Steemit: https://steemit.com/@mitoshicrypto

Ith Github: http://github.com/loftchain/smart-contracts/blob/master/MTSH.sol

✅ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG2rcEGPN6Q_AQgSN7s_ADA/featured?disable_polymer=1

Ethereum Address: 0x5aC09f199b321CA92310148901Ae3B0Ce6622b0E

Level 0

আমি রাসেদুল ইসলাম। বিশ্বের সর্ববৃহৎ বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তির সৌশল নেটওয়ার্ক - টেকটিউনস এ আমি 5 বছর 7 মাস যাবৎ যুক্ত আছি। টেকটিউনস আমি এ পর্যন্ত 1 টি টিউন ও 0 টি টিউমেন্ট করেছি। টেকটিউনসে আমার 0 ফলোয়ার আছে এবং আমি টেকটিউনসে 1 টিউনারকে ফলো করি।


আরও টিউনস

টিউনারের আরও টিউনস
