আয় করুন একটি রাশিয়ান সাইট থেকে, না করতে পারেল আমার কাছ থেকে বুঝে নেবেন

উপরে আমি পেমেন্ট সহ ছবি দিয়েছি। এই সাইটে আপনাকে RUB  প্রদান করা হবে যা আপনি payeer  এর মাধ্যমে EXCHANGE করে বিকাশ  এর মাধ্যমে তুলতে পারে।

সাইটের লিংক

Option 1 – Buy birds

As the name implies, the game is about having a kind of farm. So one of the main things is to buy birds.

Overall, the concept of Golden Farm Biz can be explained in 4 steps – you buy birds, they lay eggs, you sell the eggs for silver coins, and you exchange the silver coins for real cash.
how golden farm biz works

The steps to make money with Golden Farm Biz.

Sounds pretty simple and as a nice way to make money so far, right?

Well, there is a bit more to it. So let’s go a bit more into details about all the steps so you can see the true potential before deciding if it is for you or not.

So the first step is that you need to buy birds. There are different ways you can do this.

You can earn coins on the platform without investing as I will explain more about below. Or you can load money into your account and use these to buy birds (they call it to replenish your account).

$1 equals 6578 silver coins in Golden Farm Biz at the moment of writing this review. You can get birds for different prices.

The more you pay for a bird, the more eggs it lays.
birds for sale on golden farm biz

The birds you can buy.

The cheapest bird you can get will cost you 150 silver coins and the most expensive 375000 silver coins.

Already here you might see one of the things I do not think is very user-friendly. The coins to dollar ratio makes it extremely difficult to figure out exactly what you will end up spending or earning.

To make it easier for you I have made some calculations – the cheapest bird will then have a cost of around $0.02 and the most expensive will cost around $57.

Once you have bought the birds, they will automatically start laying eggs. As mentioned, the more expensive birds will lay more eggs.

Option 2 – Sell eggs

To be able to use your Golden Farm Biz eggs for real money or for buying more birds, you need to collect the eggs and then sell them.

To do this you go to the eggs warehouse.
where to find eggs warehouse on golden farmbiz

You go to the Eggs warehouse to collect the eggs.

Here you just collect the “collect all” button and you will have the eggs in your warehouse.

From here you can then go to sell the eggs.

Here the whole conversion rate again becomes confusing. But you will NOT get a lot per egg.
golden farm biz eggs price

You need A LOT of eggs to make any real money.

As you can see in the image above, 100 eggs equal 1 silver coin. This means the 9 eggs I had collected will be worth 0.09 silver coin.

And remember you need 6578 silver coins to get $1.

So you need to sell a lot of eggs and it is difficult to get an exact overview of how many you need to sell to get real money.

But one good thing is that the birds keep laying eggs every minute – also when you are not actively using the platform, so you do not have to spend a lot of time to get the eggs.

Option 3 – Get a daily bonus

If you do not feel like investing in buying birds on Golden Farm Biz, you can earn a bit through the daily bonus.

It is very simple and fast to get this bonus. You just simply click a button.
golden farm biz daily bonus

The daily bonus is a fast way to get some extra coins.

Right away you will then get a bonus into your account. The bonus will be between 10-100 silver coins and it will be random how many you get.

You can get this bonus once every 24 hours. It is very fast so if you are actively using Golden Farm Biz, it might be worth using this option for a few free silver coins every day.

Option 4 – Refer other people

You can earn by inviting other people to join Golden Farm Biz.

This is where the platform starts to show what it really is about. Because you will earn commissions on everything people you invite end up spending on the platform.
golden farm affiliate program

The commission structure for the Golden Farm Biz referral program.

You will not earn commissions on what they earn by they have to end up spending money for you to earn. But you will then also get commissions for 4 levels, as you can see on the image above.

Actually earning commissions by referring people to services you like is, in general, a great way to make money online if you do it through affiliate marketing and only recommend services that are truly useful for people.

What I do not like so much about Golden Farm Biz’s system is that it will be very hard for you to earn without referring others.

You can, in theory, earn, but you have to invest a lot to be able to earn anything just by buying birds and selling eggs. It will honestly be very hard to make your investment back.

Unless you invite other people. But then it is suddenly not anymore a way to earn by playing a game but the only real way to get a chance is by getting other people to join and getting them to spend money, etc.

This really limits the potential, in my opinion, and it is not personally a platform I will invite people to join, because they will only be able to really earn by getting other people to join and invest.

Option 5 – Get a joining bonus

In addition to the methods I have mentioned above, you get a small joining bonus when you first sign up for Golden Farm Biz.

You get 1 green bird, 300 silver coins, and then you get another 20 coins if you take the short guided tour right after joining.

This will not get you a lot but at least you can get started and get a few birds without having to invest.

But if you are hoping to build up a real online income just by the help of the joining bonus and the few birds you can get for that, it will just not happen to be honest.

Option 6 – Make a YouTube video about Golden Farm Biz

Golden Farm Biz offers to pay you 10, 000 silver coins to make a YouTube video about the platform.

But before getting too excited about this, make sure to read the exact conditions.

Make sure to read the exact conditions to get the video bonus.

Your video has to be at least 2 minutes long which is not really difficult. But it needs to have at least 800 views before you can get paid for it.

This might not seem like a lot but if you are new to YouTube and do not have an audience yet, this will NOT be easy to reach.

In addition to this, the 10, 000 silver coins will only be worth less than $2. So if you want to make the video just to earn the bonus for it, it is not really worth it, in my opinion.


How do you get paid?

Let’s say you are patient enough to slowly build up some earnings on Golden Farm Biz and that you will invite a lot of people or invest a lot yourself.

Then you need to know exactly how you can eventually get your earnings out.

On the platform, they call this to get a payoff and it actually offers quite a lot of ways.
golden farm biz payoff methods

The payout options on Golden Farm Biz.

There is not as such any payout threshold.

But just be aware that most payoff methods have a processing fee. If you want to get your money out through PayPal, you, for example, have to pay a 7% processing fee. If you use Visa, there is 7% fee + a $10 fee.

I actually find this almost insulting. You have to be very patient, invite a lot of people, or invest a lot to be able to earn enough to get a good payout. And then you have to pay quite high fees for


Level 0

আমি মাহমুদ হাসান। বিশ্বের সর্ববৃহৎ বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তির সৌশল নেটওয়ার্ক - টেকটিউনস এ আমি 5 বছর 11 মাস যাবৎ যুক্ত আছি। টেকটিউনস আমি এ পর্যন্ত 17 টি টিউন ও 1 টি টিউমেন্ট করেছি। টেকটিউনসে আমার 0 ফলোয়ার আছে এবং আমি টেকটিউনসে 0 টিউনারকে ফলো করি।


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