আসুন জেনে নিই SMTP and POP3 মেইল সার্ভার কিভাবে সেটআপ করতে হয়ঃ
এই তালিকা মেইল সেটাপের গ্যারান্টি প্রদান করে না। কোন প্রকার ভুল থাকলে জানানোর জন্য বিশেষ অনুরোধ রইল।
Default Ports: | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | Non-Encrypted | AUTH | 25 (or 587) |
Secure (TLS) | StartTLS | 587 | |
Secure (SSL) | SSL | 465 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | Non-Encrypted | AUTH | 110 |
Secure (SSL) | SSL | 995 |
Googlemail - Gmail | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.gmail.com | SSL | 465 |
smtp.gmail.com | StartTLS | 587 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.gmail.com | SSL | 995 |
Please make sure, that POP3 access is enabled in the account settings. Login to your account and enable POP3. |
Outlook.com | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.live.com | StartTLS | 587 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop3.live.com | SSL | 995 |
Yahoo Mail | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.mail.yahoo.com | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.mail.yahoo.com | SSL | 995 |
Yahoo Mail Plus | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | plus.smtp.mail.yahoo.com | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | plus.pop.mail.yahoo.com | SSL | 995 |
Yahoo UK | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk | SSL | 995 |
Yahoo Deutschland | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.mail.yahoo.com | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.mail.yahoo.com | SSL | 995 |
Yahoo AU/NZ | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.mail.yahoo.com.au | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.mail.yahoo.com.au | SSL | 995 |
O2 | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.o2.ie | 25 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop3.o2.ie | 110 |
O2.uk | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.o2.co.uk | 25 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop3.o2.co.uk | 110 |
AT&T | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.att.yahoo.com | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.att.yahoo.com | SSL | 995 |
NTL @ntlworld.com | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.ntlworld.com | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.ntlworld.com | SSL | 995 |
BT Connect | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | pop3.btconnect.com | 25 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | mail.btconnect.com | 110 |
BT Openworld | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | mail.btopenworld.com | 25 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | mail.btopenworld.com | 110 |
BT Internet | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | mail.btinternet.com | 25 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | mail.btinternet.com | 110 |
Orange | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.orange.net | 25 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.orange.net | 110 |
Orange.uk | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.orange.co.uk | 25 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.orange.co.uk | 110 |
Wanadoo UK | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.wanadoo.co.uk | 25 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.wanadoo.co.uk | 110 |
Hotmail | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.live.com | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop3.live.com | SSL | 995 |
O2 Online Deutschland | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | mail.o2online.de | 25 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.o2online.de | 110 |
T-Online Deutschland | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | securesmtp.t-online.de | StartTLS | 587 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | securepop.t-online.de | SSL | 995 |
1&1 (1and1) | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.1and1.com | StartTLS | 587 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.1and1.com | SSL | 995 |
1&1 Deutschland | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.1und1.de | StartTLS | 587 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | pop.1und1.de | SSL | 995 |
Comcast | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | smtp.comcast.net | 587 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | mail.comcast.net | 110 |
Verizon | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | outgoing.verizon.net | SSL | 465 |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | incoming.verizon.net | SSL | 995 |
Verizon (Yahoo hosted) | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | outgoing.yahoo.verizon.net | 587 | |
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) | incoming.yahoo.verizon.net | 110 |
+ Add Provider | Server: | Authentication: | Port: |
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) | |||
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) |
প্রয়েজনীয় তথ্য গুলো দিন। ইনকামিং আউটগোইং সাভার নেম উপরের চার্টে আছে আপনার মেইল অনযায়ী দেখে নিন।
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আমি Masum। বিশ্বের সর্ববৃহৎ বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তির সৌশল নেটওয়ার্ক - টেকটিউনস এ আমি 11 বছর 3 মাস যাবৎ যুক্ত আছি। টেকটিউনস আমি এ পর্যন্ত 3 টি টিউন ও 4 টি টিউমেন্ট করেছি। টেকটিউনসে আমার 0 ফলোয়ার আছে এবং আমি টেকটিউনসে 0 টিউনারকে ফলো করি।
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thanks vi kajer ekta jinis delen.